노력, 역행 / 시도하다, 노력하다, ~ 하려고 노력하다, 분발하다.
replenishment : http://www.thefreedictionary.com/replenishment
1. To fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to: replenish the larder.
2. To inspire or nourish: The music will replenish my weary soul.
talk someone’s ear off :
1. at, on , in의 용법 비교
1) at 시간상의 한점으로 표시하며 시간, 정오, 새벽 등의 짧은 시각
at 7 o’clock, at 11:40, at midnight, at lunchtime, at dawn, at night, at noon, at sunset, at present, at the moment,
at the same time cf. at the weekend, at Christmas (=on Christmas day)
2) on 요일, 날짜 및 특정한 날의 아침, 점심, 저녁 등
on Saturday, on 25 August 1995, on my birthday, on Saturday afternoon, on Sunday evening, on the morning
of June 7 cf. early in the morning of June 7 (early 나 late 가 붙을 경우 in을 씀)
3) in 월, 년, 계절 등 긴 기간 및 아침, 점심, 저녁 표시
in October, in 1905, in winter, in the 20th century, in the past, in (the) future, in the morning
2. in, within, after의 비교
He will be back in a few days. (in:미래시제와 함께 사용되며 ‘~이 지나면’ 의 뜻)
He will come back within a few days. (within : ‘~이내에’)
He came back after a few days. (after :과거시제와 함께 사용되며 ‘~후에’에의 뜻)
3. for, during, through (=throughout), in , over의 비교
I have not seen him for three days. (for+수사 동반 명사, 경우에 따라 one대신 부정관사 가능)
During the night the rain changed to snow. (during:일정한 기간의 상태, 동작의 계속)
I remained in town through the summer vacation. (through : 전 기간 동안 내내)
I have not fired a gun in years. (in : 특정한 기간 동안)
The patient won’t live over today. (over : ‘~동안 죽, ~의 끝까지’ 의 뜻으로 시간의 계속 , 초과)
He has been ill since last Monday. (since:(대)과거의 어느 시점 이후로 계속하여)
Exam begins on 11th. The meeting begins at 2 p.m.
5. by, till (until), up to 의 구별 (~까지)
I will be back by six. (by 미래 어떤 시점까지의 동작의 완료를 의미한다. =not later than)
I will be here till six. (till 동작 및 상태의 계속을 의미한다.)
He has been ill up to now. (up to :’~까지’ 의 뜻으로 동작, 상태의 계속)
6. 전치사 +time 의 구별
- on time = punctually, not late :정각에
I’ll meet you at 5:30. Ok, but please be on time. = Don’t be late, be there at 5:30
- in time = soon enough, before a fixed time : 시간 안에
Will you be home in time for dinner? =soon enough for dinner
cf. in time he’ll see that he is mistaken. 이윽고, 결국
- 기타
to time (시간표의) 시간대로, 기한까지는 = to schedule
behind time (시간에 늦게) = after a fixed time cf. behind the times 시대에 뒤진
7. at the end, in the end 의 구별
- at the end 어떤일이나 기간이 끝나는 시간에
at the end of the course(concert) , at the end of the month
- in the end 결국 마침내=finally
At first we didn’t like each other, but in the end we became good friends.
8. 시간을 나타내는 전치사의 생략
- next, last, this, that, every, some 등의 바로 앞에 있는 전치사는 생략된다.
We’ll go on a picnic next Saturday (on Friday next).
I visit him every third day (every three days). cf. on this(that) occasion, (at) this (that) time
- 계속의 의미를 지니는 동사가 쓰일 경우 시간 표시 전치사 for 가 생략될 수 있다.
We stayed there (for) three months.
We stayed there all weeks. (all 앞에서는 반드시 for를 생략)