humble, modest : 겸손한 / humble 이 동사로 사용되면 ‘경멸하다’ 라는 뜻. 또한 humble 은 ‘천한’ 이라는 의미도 가짐.
껍질 : husk, shell, skin / shell 은 조개 껍데기 같은거, skin 은 가죽이나 사람피부등, husk 는 말그대로 껍질.
leisurely : 여유있는 (리줠리)
scoff, ridicule : 비웃다.
consist of 는 consisting of , consisted of 등의 형태를 가질 수 있는데 이는 모두 시제만을 반영한다. 수동의 의미로서 ing 와 ed 가 붙는 것이 아니다.
comprise 는 타동사로 A comprises B and C 와 같이 사용하며 A 가 B와 C를 포함한다. 즉 B 와 C 로 구성되어 있다라는 의미.
composed 도 구성되다의 의미이고 이는 수동의 의미이며 of 전치사를 사용한다. A is composed of B and C.
The code snippets
shown throughout the article
assume a simple domain model
with two JPA-annotated entities
named Account and Portfolio
The persistence layer is
configured with Spring and
consists of a JPA repository implementation
for retrieving and persisting entity instances.
Jersey and Spring MVC will be used
to build a web services layer
for servicing client requests
by calling the underlying Spring-managed application.
Spring MVC does not have the notion of root resources and sub-resources. Hence every controller is managed by Spring and not by the application:
Requests for “/accounts/{username}/portfolios” are delegated directly
to the PortfolioController
It’s worth pointing out
that this request could also be handled directly
in the AccountController thereby removing the need for a PortfolioController.
Finally we will see the usage of RestTemplate in accessing the device manager application therebyillustrating the usage of other related APIs. Rather than dealing with raw data, we can directly access with the desired type by passing appropriate arguments to the exchange() method. In the method ‘listAllDevicesInXml()’, we have send a GET request, heading accepting the XML format and the desired expected response type. Note the usage of the class HttpHeaders class which is used for encapsulating http headers. – See more at: http://www.javabeat.net/2011/03/introduction-to-spring-rest-services/#sthash.sxs2yXac.dpuf
1. by that; by means of that.
2. in that connection or relation: Thereby hangs a tale.
3. by or near that place.