새로운 아키텍처
- 새로운 네이티브 모듈 => 네이티브 인터페이스에 직접 접근 가능한 네이티브 모듈, 네이티브 컴포넌트 지원
- 새로운 렌더러
- 이벤트 루프 => 웹과 더 유사하게 작동,
- 브릿지 제거
새로운 피처 (리액트 18 완벽 지원, 동시성 피처, useLayoutEffect)
- Transitions (Urgent updates, Transition updates)
- Automtic Batching => concurrent renderer
- useLayoutEffect
- Full Support for Suspense
React Native DevTools ==> 이건 기존 Flipper 라던가 이상한 것들 다 빼고 기본으로 탑재되어 단축키만 누르면 되는 듯 하다.
Metro fastar x15
Box Shadow and Filter style props
Removed dependency @react-native-community/cli
- 사용하고 싶으면 추가해서 사용할 수 있다.
“devDependencies”: {
// …
+ “@react-native-community/cli”: “15.0.0”,
+ "@react-native-community/cli-platform-android": “15.0.0”,
+ "@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios": “15.0.0”,
Android App 사이즈가 ~3.8Mb 만큼 더 작아짐.
iOS (13.4 to 15.1) 와 Android SDK (23 to 24) 의 최소 버전을 높임.
루핑 애니메이션에서 상태 업데이트를 보내는 것을 막음.
devtools 에서 Inspector Panel perf + network tabs 를 제거
text engine 을 AttributedString in TextLayoutManager 대신에 항상 AttributedStringBox 를 사용하도록 함.
Android 에서 rendering 에 있어 View 백그라운드가 더이상 직접적으로 ReactViewBackgroundDrawable 이나 CSSBackgroundDrawable 이 아님.
If you use Expo, React Native 0.76 will be supported in Expo SDK 52.
Now, 52 released.
react-navigation 7.0 released.
If you need to create a new project using the CLI, you can run this command:
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init MyProject --version latest
New Architecture is here
React Native 0.76 with the New Architecture by default is now available on npm!
In the 0.76 release blog post, we shared a list of significant changes included in this version. In this post, we provide an overview of the New Architecture and how it shapes the future of React Native.
The New Architecture adds full support for modern React features, including Suspense, Transitions, automatic batching, and useLayoutEffect. The New Architecture also includes new Native Module and Native Component systems that let you write type-safe code with direct access to native interfaces without a bridge.
This release is the result of a ground-up rewrite of React Native we’ve been working on since 2018, and we’ve taken extra care to make the New Architecture a gradual migration for most apps. In 2021, we created the New Architecture Working Group to collaborate with the community on ensuring a smooth upgrade experience for the entire React ecosystem.
Most apps will be able to adopt React Native 0.76 with the same level of effort as any other release. The most popular React Native libraries already support the New Architecture. The New Architecture also includes an automatic interoperability layer to enable backward compatibility with libraries targeting the old architecture.
Over the past several years of development, our team has publicly shared our vision for the New Architecture. If you missed any of these talks, check them out here:
- React Native EU 2019 - The New React Native
- React Conf 2021 - React 18 Keynote
- App.js 2022 - Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS Community
- React Conf 2024 - Day 2 Keynote
What is the New Architecture
The New Architecture is a complete rewrite of the major systems that underpin React Native, including how components are rendered, how JavaScript abstractions communicates with native abstractions, and how work is scheduled across different threads. Although most users should not have to think about how these systems work, these changes bring improvements and new capabilities.
In the old architecture, React Native communicated with the native platform using an asynchronous bridge. To render a component or call a native function, React Native needed to serialize and enqueue native functions calls with the bridge, which would be processed asynchronously. The benefit of this architecture is that the main thread was never blocked for rendering updates or handling native module function calls, since all work was done on a background thread.
However, users expect immediate feedback to interactions to feel like a native app. This means some updates need to render synchronously in response to user input, potentially interrupting any in-progress render. Since the old architecture was only asynchronous, we needed to rewrite it to allow for both asynchronous and synchronous updates.
Additionally, in the old architecture, serializing function calls over the bridge quickly became a bottleneck, especially for frequent updates or large objects. This made it hard for apps to achieve 60+ FPS reliably. There were also synchronization issues: when the JavaScript and native layer got out of sync, it was impossible to reconcile them synchronously, resulting bugs like lists showing frames of empty space and visual UI jumps due to intermediate states rendering.
Finally, since the old architecture kept a single copy of the UI using the native hierarchy, and mutated that copy in place, layout could only be computed on a single thread. This made it impossible to process urgent updates like user inputs, and layout could not be read synchronously, such as reading in a layout effect to update the position of a tooltip.
All of these problems meant that it was not possible to properly support React’s concurrent features. To solve these problems, the New Architecture includes four main parts:
- The New Native Module System
- The New Renderer
- The Event Loop
- Removing the Bridge
The New Module system allows the React Native Renderer to have synchronous access to the native layer, which allows it to handle events, schedule updates, and read layout both asynchronously and synchronously. The new Native Modules are also lazily loaded by default, giving apps a significant performance gain.
The New Renderer can handle multiple in progress trees across multiple threads, which allows React to process multiple concurrent update priorities, either on the main thread or a background thread. It also supports reading layout from multiple threads synchronously or asynchronously, to support more responsive UIs without jank.
The new Event Loop can process tasks on the JavaScript thread in a well-defined order. This allows React to interrupt rendering to process events so urgent user events can take priority over lower priority UI transitions. The Event Loop also aligns with web specifications, so we can support for browser features like microtasks, MutationObserver, and IntersectionObserver.
Finally, removing the bridge allows for faster startup and direct communication between JavaScript and the native runtime, so that the cost of switching work is minimized. This also allows for better error reporting, debugging, and reducing crashes from undefined behavior.
The New Architecture is now ready to be used in production. It is already used at scale at Meta in the Facebook app and in other products. We successfully used React Native and the New Architecture in the Facebook and Instagram app we developed for our Quest devices.
Our partners have already been using the New Architecture in production for months now: have a look at these success stories by Expensify and Kraken, and give BlueSky a shot with their new release.
New Native Modules
The new Native Module System is a major rewrite of how JavaScript and the native platform communicate. It’s written entirely in C++, which unlocks many new capabilities:
- Synchronous access to and from the native runtime
- Type safety between JavaScript and native code
- Code sharing across platforms
- Lazy module loading by default
In the new Native Module system, JavaScript and the native layer can now synchronously communicate with each other through the JavaScript Interface (JSI), without the need to use an asynchronous bridge. This means your custom Native Modules can now synchronously call a function, return a value, and pass that value back to another Native Module function.
In the old architecture, in order to handle a response from native function calls, you needed to provide a callback, and the value returned needed to be serializable:
// ❌ Sync callback from Native Module
nativeModule.getValue(value => {
// ❌ value cannot reference a native object
In the New Architecture, you can make synchronous calls to native functions:
// ✅ Sync response from Native Module
const value = nativeModule.getValue();
// ✅ value can be a reference to a native object
With the New Architecture, you can finally leverage the full power of a C++ native implementation while still accessing it from JavaScript/TypeScript APIs. The New Module System supports modules written in C++ so you can write your module once, and it works across all platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. Implementing modules in C++ allows for more fine-grained memory management and performance optimizations.
Additionally, with Codegen, your modules can define a strongly typed contract between the JavaScript layer and the native layer. From our experience, cross-boundary type errors are one of the most common sources of crashes in cross-platform apps. Codegen lets you overcome those problems while also generating boilerplate code for you.
Finally, modules are now lazily loaded: they are loaded in memory only when they’re effectively needed rather than at startup. This reduces the app startup time and keeps it low as the application grows in complexity.
Popular libraries such as react-native-mmkv have already seen benefits from migrating to the new Native Modules:
“The new Native Modules greatly simplified setup, autolinking, and initialization for react-native-mmkv. Thanks to the New Architecture, react-native-mkv is now a pure C++ Native Module, which allows it to work on any platform. The new Codegen allows MMKV to be fully type-safe, which fixed a long-standing NullPointerReference issue by enforcing null-safety, and being able to call Native Module functions synchronously allowed us to replace custom JSI access with the new Native Module API.”Marc Rousavy, creator of react-native-mmkv
New Renderer
We've also completely rewritten the Native Renderer, adding several benefits:
- Updates can be rendered on different threads at different priorities.
- Layout can be read synchronously and across different threads.
- The renderer is written in C++ and shared across all platforms.
The updated Native Renderer now stores the view hierarchy in an immutable tree structure. This means that the UI is stored in a way that cannot be changed directly, allowing for thread-safe processing of updates. This allows it to handle multiple in-progress trees, each representing a different version of the user interface. As a result, updates can be rendered in the background without blocking the UI (such as during transitions) or on the main thread (in response to user input).
By supporting multiple threads, React can interrupt a low-priority update to render an urgent one, such as those generated by user inputs, and then resume the low-priority update as needed. The new renderer can also read layout information synchronously and across different threads. This enables background computation for low-priority updates and synchronous reads when needed, such as repositioning a tooltip.
Finally, rewriting the renderer in C++ allows it to be shared across all platforms. This ensures that the same code runs on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and any other React Native-supported platform, providing consistent rendering capabilities without needing re-implementation for each platform.
This is a significant step towards our Many Platform Vision. For example, View Flattening was an Android-only optimisation to avoid deep layout trees. The new renderer, with shared C++ core, brings this feature to iOS. This optimisation is automatic and does not require setup, it comes for free with the shared renderer.
With these changes, React Native now fully supports Concurrent React features like Suspense and Transitions, making it easier to build complex user interfaces that respond quickly to user input without jank, delays, or visual jumps. In the future, we will leverage these new capabilities to bring more improvements to built-in components such as FlatList and TextInput.
Popular libraries like Reanimated are already taking advantage of the New Renderer:
“Reanimated 4, currently in development, introduces a new animation engine that works directly with the New Renderer, allowing it to handle animations and manage layout across different threads. The New Renderer’s design is what truly enables these features to be built without relying on numerous workarounds. Moreover, because it’s implemented in C++ and shared across platforms, large portions of Reanimated can be written once, reducing platform-specific issues, minimizing the codebase, and streamlining adoption for out-of-tree platforms.”
Krzysztof Magiera, creator of Reanimated
The Event Loop
The New Architecture allowed us to implement a well-defined event loop processing model, as described in this RFC. This RFC follows the specifications described in the HTML Standard, and it describes how React Native should perform tasks on the JavaScript thread.
Implementing a well-defined event loop closes gaps between React DOM and React Native: the behavior of a React Native application is now closer to the behavior of a React DOM application, making it easier to learn once, and write anywhere.
The event loop brings many benefits to React Native:
- The ability to interrupt rendering to process events and tasks
- Closer alignment with web specifications
- Foundation for more browser features
With the Event Loop, React is able to predictably order updates and events. This allows React to interrupt a low priority update with an urgent user event, and the New Renderer allows us to render those updates independently.
The Event Loops also aligns the behavior of events and task like timers with web specifications, which means React Native works more like what users are familiar with in the Web, and allows for better code sharing between React DOM and React Native.
It also allows for the implementation of more compliant browser features like microtasks, MutationObserver, and IntersectionObserver. These features are not ready to use in React Native yet, but we are working on bringing them to you in the future.
Finally, the Event Loop and the New Renderer changes to support reading layout synchronously allow React Native to add proper support for useLayoutEffect to read layout information synchronously and update the UI in the same frame. This allows you to position elements correctly before they are displayed to the user.
See useLayoutEffect for more details.
Removing the Bridge
In the New Architecture, we've also fully removed React Native's dependency on the bridge, replacing it with direct, efficient communication between JavaScript and native code using JSI:
Removing the bridge improves startup time by avoiding bridge initialization. For example, in the old architecture, in order to provide global methods to JavaScript, we would need to initialize a module in JavaScript on startup, causing a small delay in app startup time:
// ❌ Slow initialization
import {NativeTimingModule} from 'NativeTimingModule';
global.setTimeout = timer => {
// App.js
setTimeout(() => {}, 100);
In the New Architecture, we can directly bind methods from C++:
// ✅ Initialize directly in C++, "setTimeout", createTimer);
// App.js
setTimeout(() => {}, 100);
The rewrite also improves error reporting, particularly for JavaScript crashes at startup, and reduces crashes from undefined behavior. If crashes occur, the new React Native DevTools simplify debugging and support the New Architecture.
The bridge remains for backward compatibility to support gradual migration to the New Architecture. In the future, we will remove the bridge code completely.
Gradual Migration
We expect most apps can upgrade to 0.76 with the same effort as any other release.
When you upgrade to 0.76, the New Architecture and React 18 are enabled by default. However, to use concurrent features and gain the full benefits of the New Architecture, your app and libraries will need to be gradually migrated to fully support the New Architecture.
When you first upgrade, your app will run on the New Architecture with an automatic interoperability layer with the old architecture. For most apps, this will work without any changes, but there are known limitations with the interop layer, as it does not support accessing custom Shadow Nodes or concurrent features.
To use concurrent features, apps will also need to be updated to support Concurrent React by following the Rules of React. To migrate your JavaScript code to React 18 and its semantics, follow the React 18 Upgrade guide.
The overall strategy is to get your application running on the New Architecture without breaking existing code. You can then gradually migrate your app at your own pace. For new surfaces that have migrated all modules to the New Architecture, you can start using concurrent features immediately. For existing surfaces, you may need to address some issues and migrate modules before adding concurrent features.
We've collaborated with the most popular React Native libraries to ensure support for the New Architecture. More than 850 libraries are already compatible, including all libraries with over 200K weekly downloads (~10% of downloaded libraries). You can check library compatibility with the New Architecture on the website:
For more details on upgrading, see How to Upgrade below.
New Features
The New Architecture includes full support for React 18, concurrent features, and useLayoutEffect in React Native. For a full list of React 18 features, please see the React 18 blog post.
Transitions are a new concept in React 18 to distinguish between urgent and non-urgent updates.
- Urgent updates reflect direct interaction, like typing and pressing.
- Transition updates transition the UI from one view to another.
Urgent updates need immediate response to match our intuitions about how physical objects behave. However, transitions are different because the user doesn’t expect to see every intermediate value on screen. In the New Architecture, React Native is able to support rendering urgent updates and transition updates separately.
Typically, for the best user experience, a single user input should result in both an urgent update and a non-urgent one. Similar to ReactDOM, events like press or change are handled as urgent and rendered immediately. You can use the startTransition API inside an input event to inform React which updates are “transitions” and can be deferred to the background:
import {startTransition} from 'react';
// Urgent: Show the slider value
// Mark any state updates inside as transitions
startTransition(() => {
// Transition: Show the results
Separating urgent events from transitions allows for a more responsive user interface, and a more intuitive user experience.
Here's a comparison of the old architecture without transitions (left) and the new architecture with transitions (right):
![]() |
![]() |
Rendering tiles with transitions to interrupt in-progress renders of stale state. |
Rendering tiles without marking it as a transition. |
For more information, see Support for Concurrent Renderer and Features.
startTransition을 사용하면 React는 해당 상태 업데이트를 우선순위가 낮은 작업으로 인식하고, 더 중요한 작업(예: 사용자 입력 처리)이 끝난 후에 업데이트를 수행합니다. (상태 업데이트에 따른 연관된 작업이 startTransition 으로 시작될 경우 우선 순위를 낮게 잡는다.)
참고로, InteractionManager 라는 것도 있다. 애니메이션, 터치 이벤트 등 사용자 인터랙션과 관련된 작업이 완료된 후에 비동기 작업을 처리하기 위해 사용된다.
import { InteractionManager } from 'react-native';
useEffect(() => {
const task = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
return () => task.cancel();
}, [getUsers]);
Automatic Batching
When upgrading to the New Architecture, you will benefit from automatic batching from React 18.
Automatic batching allows React to batch together more state updates when rendering to avoid the rendering of intermediate states. This allows React Native to be faster and less susceptible to lags, without any additional code from the developer.
![]() |
![]() |
Rendering frequent state updates with legacy renderer. | Rendering frequent state updates with automatic batching. |
In the old architecture (left), more intermediate states are rendered, and the UI keeps updating even when the slider stops moving. The New Architecture (right), renders fewer intermediate states and completes the rendering much sooner thanks to automatically batching the updates.
For more information, see Support for Concurrent Renderer and Features.
과거에는 리액트 이벤트 에서만 배치가 되었지만 지금은 timeouts, promises, native event handlers or any other events 이라던가 하는 모든 이벤트에서 배치가 된다.
배치 말고 바로 적용하려면 flushSync 를 사용하면 된다.
Building on the Event Loop and the ability to read layout synchronously, in the New Architecture we added proper support for useLayoutEffect in React Native.
In the old architecture, you needed to use the asynchronous onLayout event to read layout information of a view (which was also asynchronous). As a result there would be at least one frame where the layout was incorrect until the layout was read and updated, causing issues like tooltips placed in the wrong position:
// ❌ async onLayout after commit
const onLayout = React.useCallback(event => {
// ❌ async callback to read layout
ref.current?.measureInWindow((x, y, width, height) => {
setPosition({x, y, width, height});
}, []);
// ...
The New Architecture fixes this by allowing synchronous access to layout information in useLayoutEffect:
// ✅ sync layout effect during commit
useLayoutEffect(() => {
// ✅ sync call to read layout
const rect = ref.current?.getBoundingClientRect();
}, []);
// ...
<ViewWithTooltip ref={ref} position={position} />;
This change allows you to read layout information synchronously and update the UI in the same frame, allowing you to position elements correctly before they are displayed to the user:
![]() |
![]() |
In the old architecture, layout was read asynchronously in onLayout, causing the position of the tooltip to be delayed. | In the New Architecture, layout can be read in useLayoutEffect synchronously, updating the tooltip position before displaying. |
For more information, see the docs for Synchronous Layout and Effects.
Full Support for Suspense
Suspense lets you declaratively specify the loading state for a part of the component tree if it’s not yet ready to be displayed:
<Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
<Comments />
We introduced a limited version of Suspense several years ago, and React 18 added full support. Until now, React Native was not able to support concurrent rendering for Suspense.
The New Architecture includes full support for Suspense introduced in React 18. This means that you can now use Suspense in React Native to handle loading states for your components, and the suspended content will render in the background while the loading state is displayed, giving higher priority to user input on visible content.
For more, see the RFC for Suspense in React 18.
How to Upgrade
To upgrade to 0.76, follow the steps in the release post. Since this release also upgrades to React 18, you will also need to follow the React 18 Upgrade guide.
These steps should be enough for most apps to upgrade to the New Architecture thanks to the interop layer with the old architecture. However, to take full advantage of the New Architecture and to start using concurrent features, you will need to migrate your custom Native Modules and Native Components to support the new Native Module and Native Component APIs.
Without migrating your custom Native Modules, you will not get the benefits of shared C++, synchronous method calls, or type-safety from codegen. Without migrating your Native Components, you will not be able to use concurrent features. We recommend migrating all Native Components and Native Modules to the New Architecture as soon as possible.
In a future release, we will remove the interop layer and modules will need to support the New Architecture.
If you are an app developer, to fully support the New Architecture, you will need to upgrade your libraries, custom Native Components, and custom Native Modules to fully support the New Architecture.
We've collaborated with the most popular React Native libraries to ensure support for the New Architecture. You can check library compatibility with the New Architecture on the website.
If any of the libraries your app depends on are not compatible yet, you can:
- Open an issue with the library and ask the author to migrate to the New Architecture.
- If the library is not maintained, consider alternative libraries with the same features.
- Opt-out from the New Architecture while those libraries are migrated.
If your app has custom Native Modules or custom Native Components, we expect them to work fine, thanks to our interop layer. However, we recommend upgrading them to the new Native Module and Native Component APIs to fully support the New Architecture and adopt concurrent features.
Please follow these guides to migrate your modules and components to the New Architecture:
If you are a library maintainer, please first test that your library works with the interop layer. If it does not, please open an issue on the New Architecture Working Group.
To fully support the New Architecture, we recommend migrating your library to the new Native Module and Native Component APIs as soon as possible. This will allow users of your library to take full advantage of the New Architecture and support concurrent features.
You can follow these guides to migrate your modules and components to the New Architecture:
If, for any reason, the New Architecture is not behaving properly in your application, there is always the option to opt-out from it until you are ready to turn it on again.
To opt-out from the New Architecture:
- On Android, modify the android/ file and turn off the newArchEnabled flag
- On iOS, you can reinstall the dependencies by running the command:
RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=0 bundle exec pod install
Delivering the New Architecture to the OSS community has been a huge effort that took us several years of research and development. We want to take a moment to thank all the current and past members of the React team who helped us achieve this result.
We are also extremely grateful to all the partners who collaborated with us to make this happen. Specifically, we would like to call out:
- Expo, for adopting the New Architecture early on, and for supporting the work on migrating the most popular libraries.
- Software Mansion, for maintaining crucial libraries in the ecosystem, for migrating them to the New Architecture early and for all the help in investigating and fixing various issues.
- Callstack, for maintaining crucial libraries in the ecosystem, for migrating them to the New Architecture early and for the support with the work on the Community CLI.
- Microsoft, for adding the New Architecture implementation for react-native-windows and react-native-macos as well as in several other developer tools.
- Expensify, Kraken, BlueSky and Brigad for pioneering the adoption of the New Architecture and reporting various issues so that we could fix them for everyone else.
- All the independent library maintainers and developers who contributed to the New Architecture by testing it, fixing some of the issues, and opening questions on unclear matters so that we could clear them.
InteractionManager와 startTransition은 React Native에서 비동기 작업이나 렌더링을 관리할 때 유용한 도구들이지만, 그 역할과 사용 방식이 다릅니다. React Native 0.76부터 React 18의 Concurrent Features를 완전히 지원하게 되면서 startTransition의 사용도 가능해졌지만, InteractionManager와 비교했을 때 다른 목적과 방식으로 사용됩니다. 아래에서 두 기능의 차이점과 각각의 특징을 설명하겠습니다.
1. InteractionManager
- 주요 목적: InteractionManager는 애니메이션, 터치 이벤트 등 사용자 인터랙션과 관련된 작업이 완료된 후에 비동기 작업을 처리하기 위해 사용됩니다.
- 사용 시점: 주로 무거운 연산이나 비동기 작업을 지연 처리하고 싶을 때 사용합니다. 예를 들어, 사용자가 화면을 터치한 후에 무거운 연산을 지연해서 실행해 UI가 끊기지 않도록 합니다.
- 작동 방식: React Native는 사용자 인터랙션이 있는 동안에는 InteractionManager의 콜백을 실행하지 않으며, 사용자 인터랙션이 끝난 후에만 작업을 처리합니다.
- 코드 예시:
import { InteractionManager } from 'react-native';
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
// 사용자 인터랙션이 끝난 후 실행할 무거운 작업
2. startTransition (React 18)
- 주요 목적: startTransition은 React 18에서 도입된 Concurrent Features 중 하나로, React 컴포넌트의 상태 업데이트를 **우선순위가 낮은 "전환 작업"**으로 처리하여 사용자 인터페이스가 부드럽게 유지되도록 도와줍니다.
- 사용 시점: 비동기 데이터 로딩이나 UI 업데이트 중 우선순위가 낮은 작업을 처리할 때 사용됩니다. 예를 들어, 리스트 필터링과 같은 작업에서 사용자가 검색어를 입력할 때, 입력은 즉각 반응하지만 리스트 필터링은 비동기로 처리될 수 있습니다.
- 작동 방식: startTransition을 사용하면 React는 해당 업데이트를 우선순위가 낮은 작업으로 인식하고, 더 중요한 작업(예: 사용자 입력 처리)이 끝난 후에 업데이트를 수행합니다. 이는 Concurrent Rendering의 특징으로, UI를 더 부드럽게 유지하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
- 코드 예시:
import { startTransition } from 'react';
startTransition(() => {
// 우선순위가 낮은 상태 업데이트
차이점 요약
목적 | InteractionManager 사용자 인터랙션 이후 작업 처리 |
startTransaction (React 18) 우선순위가 낮은 상태 업데이트를 비동기로 처리 |
작동 방식 | 인터랙션이 끝난 후 콜백 실행 | 상태 업데이트를 낮은 우선순위로 처리 |
사용 시점 | 애니메이션, 터치 이벤트 이후 비동기 작업 | UI 반응성 유지하면서 비동기 작업 처리 |
주로 사용되는 경우 | 비동기 데이터 로딩, 무거운 계산 처리 | 데이터 로딩, UI 전환 작업에서 우선순위 낮추기 |
React Native 0.76의 의미
React Native 0.76부터는 React 18의 Concurrent Features를 사용할 수 있게 되면서, startTransition과 같은 기능을 활용해 더 자연스러운 사용자 경험을 제공할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, startTransition을 사용하여 무거운 상태 업데이트를 비동기로 처리하면서도 사용자가 입력하는 동안 UI가 끊김 없이 반응하도록 설계할 수 있습니다.
- **InteractionManager**는 React Native의 애니메이션과 같은 사용자 인터랙션 이후에 무거운 비동기 작업을 수행할 때 유용합니다.
- **startTransition**은 React 18에서 제공하는 기능으로, 우선순위가 낮은 상태 업데이트를 처리하여 UI의 반응성을 유지하는 데 중점을 둡니다.
각각의 도구는 용도와 시점이 다르기 때문에, 특정 상황에 맞는 도구를 선택해 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. React Native 0.76을 사용 중이라면 startTransition을 통해 더 부드러운 사용자 경험을 설계할 수 있습니다.
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