Grammar in use summary
- 영어
- 2022. 3. 1.
Present and past
Present Perfect and past
If and wish
Reported speech
Questions and auxiliary verbs
-ing and the infinitive
Articles and nouns
Pronouns and determiners
Relative clauses
Adjectives and adverbs
Conjunctions and prepositions
Phrasal verbs
[Grammar in use summary – 현재, 현재진행]
일반적인 상황일 때 현재형을 쓴다.
맨날 (all the time) 또는 반복적 또는 일반적으로 사실일 때.
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
I usually go away at weekends.
The earth goes around the sun.
The cafe opens at 7.30 in the morning.
얼마나 자주하는지 말할 때 현재형을 쓴다.
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
Julie doesn’t drink tea very often.
Robert usually goes away two or three times a year.
이런 동사들은 진행형을 사용하지 않고 현재형을 쓴다.
I promise I won’t be late. (not I’m promising.)
What do you suggest I do? (I suggest that you…)
I apologise … / I advise … / I insist … / I agree … / I refuse …
I always do 는 항상 이런다. / I’m always doing 은 좀 더 강한 느낌.
I always go to work by car. (not I’m always going) – 항상 차타고 출근한다.
I’ve lost my pen again. I’m always losing things. – 난 항상 펜을 잃어버려… 또…
I’m always losing things = I lose things very often.
You’re always watching television. You should do something more active.
Tim is never satisfied. He’s always complaining.
보이지 않는 것은 진행형을 쓰지 않는다.
like love hate want need prefer
know realise suppose mean understand believe remember
belong fit contain consist seem
Think 의 경우, belive 나 have an opinion 의 의미일 경우 진행형을 쓰지 않는다.
consider 의 의미일 경우 진행형이 가능하다.
I think Mary is Canadian, but I’m not sure.
I’m thinking about what happend.
He is selfish / He is being selfish
He’s being 은 He’s behaving / He’s acting 의 의미. 지금 순간에 그런듯 행동하는거.
He is selfish 는 일반적으로 그냥 그는 selfish 한거.
지각동사는 진행형 안씀.
See hear smell taste
You look well today / You’re looking well today. (보통 회화체에서.. 진행형)
How do you feel now? / How are you feeling now?
[Grammar in use summary – 과거,과거진행,현재완료,현재완료진행]
과거형과 과거진행형은 무언가 도중에 일어날 때 함께 쓰임.
Matt phoned while he were having dinner.
It was raining when I got up.
과거형은 무언가 일어나고 그 다음에 무언가 일어날 때 쓰임.
I was walking along the road when I saw Dave. So I stopped, and we had a chat.
When Karen arrived, we were having dinner. (카렌이 도착했을 때 우리는 저녁을 먹고 있었다.)
When Karen arrived, we had dinner. (카렌이 도착했고, 그리고 나서 우리는 저녁을 먹었다.)
무언가 일어났다. 일 때 현재완료를 사용. (보통은 새 정보)
Ow! I’ve cut my finger.
The road is closed. There’s been an accident.
Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery.
현재완료는 현재까지 영향이 있는거. 과거의 액션이 지금의 결과를 가질 때 사용.
He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it. (지금 기억할 수 없다.)
Is Salley here? No, she’s gone out. (그녀는 지금 나갔다.)
현재완료는 just, already, yet 과 함께 사용될 수 있다.
just (a short time), already (sooner than expected), yet (until now)
Have you just arrived?
I’ve already sent it.
I’ve written the letter, but I haven’t sent it yet.
has been to / has gone to … been to 는 가본적, gone to 는 가버린거.
현재까지 계속되는 기간에 대해서 말할 때 현재완료를 사용. (recently, in the last few days, so far, since breakfast, etc.)
I’ve met a lot of people in the last few days.
말하는 시점에서 끝나지않은 기간일 때 현재완료를 사용. (today, this evening, this year etc.)
I’ve drunk four cups of coffee today.
Have you had a holiday this year (yet) ?
I haven’t seen Tom this morning. Have you?
처음 무언가 일어났을 때 현재완료를 사용.
It’s the first time he has driven a car. He has never driven a car before.
This is the second time this has happend.
현재완료 진행형. ( I have been doing 현재까지 계속 해오고 있다.)
I’ve been working hard. Now I’m going to have a break.
The ground is wet. It’s been raining.
We’ve been waiting for an hour.
현재완료 vs 현재완료 진행
현재완료는 사실에 관심. (She has painted the ceiling.) 현재완료 진행은 동작에 관심. (She has been painting the ceiling.)
How long 의 경우 현재완료 진행, How much, How many, How many time 는 현재완료와 쓰임. (How long have you been reading that book? How much of that book have you read?)
know, like, believe 는 보통 진행형과 사용되지 않는다. 그러나 want 와 mean 은 현재완료진행형에서 사용된다. (I’ve been meaning to phone Jane, but I keep forgetting.)
live 나 work 와는 현재완료진행형을 사용할 수 있지만 always 와 함께 쓰이면 현재완료를 사용. ( Julia has been living / has lived in Paris for a long time. I’ve always lived in the country. )
for 과 since
얼마나 오래동안 무언가가 일어나왔는지 말할 때 for 나 since 를 사용.
for를 생략 가능. 부정문일 때는 보통 생략 못함.
They’ve been married (for) ten years.
They haven’t had a holiday for ten years.
for + all … 을 사용하지 않음. (all day / all my life etc.)
I’ve lived here all my life. (not for all my life)
when (+ 과거형)과 how long (+ 현재완료형)
When did it start raining? It started raining an hour ago. / at 1 o’clock.
How long has it been raining? for an hour / since 1 o’clock.
It’s … since … (It’s ages since we went to the cinema. = We haven’t been to the cinema for ages.)
How long is it since … ?
It’s been since …
[Grammar in use summary – 현재완료 vs 과거]
현재완료 vs 과거
Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it.
He has lost his key.
This means that he doesn’t have his key now.
Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.
Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.
Did he lose his key? Yes, he did.
He lost his key.
but now he has found it.
현재완료는 현재시재이다. 항상 현재의 상황을 말해준다.
과거형은 오직 과거에 대해서만 말한다. 현재의 상태와는 관계가 없다. 과거의 그때 일어난 일에 대해서만 말해준다.
현재의 상태가 다르다면 현재완료를 사용하지 말라.
They’ve gone away. They’ll be back on Friday.
They went away, but I think they’re back at home now.
It has stopped raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella.
It stopped raining for a while, but now it’s raining again.
최근에 새롭게 일어난 일에 현재완료를 사용한다.
I’ve repaired the TV. Sally has won the lottery!
현재 또는 새로운 것이 아닌 것에 과거형을 사용한다.
Mozart was a composer. He wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
My mother grew up in Scotland.
Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine?
Who invented the telephone?
새로운 정보를 전달할 때 현재완료를 사용한다. 계속하여 말할 때는 과거형을 사용한다.
I’ve burnt myself.
How did you do that?
I picked up a hot dish.
Look! Somebody has split something on the sofa.
Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.
끝난 시간 (yesterday, ten minutes ago, in 1999, when I was a child) 에 대해 말할 때는 현재완료를 사용하지 말라. 과거형을 사용함.
It was very cold yesterday.
Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago.
Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?
I got home late last night. I was very tired and went straight to bed.
When…? , What time …? 사용시에는 과거형을 사용한다.
When did your friends arrive?
What time did you finish work?
I’ve done a lot of work today. (today, this week, since 1985)
I did a lot of w
현재완료는 우리나라에는 없는 개념. 완료, 경험, 계속, 결과.
과거부터 현재까지… 대충 이런 의미의 시제.
[Grammar in use summary – 과거완료,과거완료진행,have got,used to]
과거완료는 과거에 일어난일 보다 더 전의 것을 이야기 할 때 쓰인다.
When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into the flat.
Karen didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because she’d already seen the film.
현재완료는 현재형이라 생각할 수 있고 과거 어느시점부터 현재까지를 말하며 과거완료는 과거형이라 생각할 수 있고 과거형이 가리키는 그 과거의 시점보다 더 과거에서 부터 과거형이 가리키는 시점까지를 말한다.
Who is that woman? I’ve never seen her before.
I didn’t know who she was. I’d never seen her before.
과거완료진행형은 과거(past)의 어느 때까지 그 이전부터의 동작이 계속되고 있음을 나타 냄[동작의 계속].
They had been swimming in this pool at that time.
(그들은 그 시간에[그 이전부터 그 시간까지도] 이 수영장에서 수영을 하고 있었다.)
Have got 과 have
Have got 은 구어체, 말할 때 자주 쓰임. 의미가 소유일 때. 둘의 의미 차이는 없음.
They’ve got a new car. They have a new car.
가지다의 뜻일 때는 진행형을 사용하지 않음.
과거형은 had 만 사용. had got (x)
Lisa had long hair when she was a child.
의문문, 부정문에서 가능한 형태들
Have you got any questions?
Do you have any questions?
Have you any questions? (less usual)
Has she got a car?
Does she have a car?
Has she a car? (less usual)
I haven’t got any questions.
I don’t have any questions.
I haven’t any questions. (less usual)
She hasn’t got a car.
She doesn’t have a car.
She hasn’t a car. (less usual)
Have breakfast / have a bath / have a good time etc. (have 를 사용)
have dinner, a cup of coffee, … something to eat etc.
have a bath, a shower, a swim, a break, a rest, a party, a holiday
have an accident, an experience, a dream
have a look (at something)
have a chat, a conversation, a discussion (with somebody)
have difficulty, trouble, fun, a good time etc.
have a baby (=give birth to a baby)
위의 표현들에서는 ing 형 사용가능. 위의 표현들에서는 have got 형태를 사용못함.
used to 는 ~ 하곤 했다 (지금은 x), ~ 했었다. (지금은 x)
I used to play tennis a lot, but I don’t play very often now.
This building is now a furniture shop. It used to be a cinema.
I used to do 는 과거형임. 현재형은 없음. I use to do 는 없음. 현재시제를 말할 땐 그냥 I do.
he used to play, we used to live, there used to be
he plays, we live, there is
일반적인 의문형은 did (you) use to … ?
Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?
부정형은 didn’t use to … 또는 used not to …
I didn’t use to like him. (or I used not to like him.)
I used to watch TV a lot. (TV를 많이 보곤했다. 하지만 지금은 아니다.)
I was watching TV when Mike called. (TV를 보고 있었다.)
I am(get) used to doing … 는 ~ 하는데에 익숙하다. 라는 의미.
I used to live alone. (과거에 혼자 살았었다. 하지만 지금은 아니다.)
I am used to living alone. (나는 혼자사는데에 익숙하다.)
[Grammar in use summary – 미래시제 I am doing, I do, I am going to do, will…]
미래시제 I am doing, I do, I am going to do, will, shall, will be doing, will have done
이미 결정 (has already decided), 예정 (has arranged to do) 된 것에 진행형을 사용.
What are you doing on Saturday evening? I’m going to the theatre.
What time is Cathy arriving tomorrow? Half past ten. I’m meeting her at the station.
이미 결정되고 예정된 것에 대해서는 will 을 사용하지 않는다. will 은 의지미래.
What are you doing this evening?
Alex is getting married next month.
동작의 시작 바로 전 (just before you begin to do it) 을 표현시 진행형을 사용.
I’m tired. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight.
Tina, are you ready yet? Yes, I’m coming.
타임테이블이나 프로그램에서는 현재형이 미래를 나타냄. (public transport, cinemas etc.)
My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15.
타임테이블 같이 고정된 계획에서는 현재형을 사용함.
I start my new job on Monday.
What time do you finish work tomorrow?
개인적인 예정사항에 대해서는 현재진행형이 보편적으로 사용됨.
What time are you meeting Ann tomorrow?
What time are you arriving? I’m going to the cinema this evening. (decided, arrangement, more personal)
What time does the train arrive? The film begins at 8.15 (this evening). (fixed plan, timetable, more public, 사실에 가까운 일반적인 정보)
I’m going to do something = 이미 결심했고 하려고 함.
I’m doing (결심, 예정, 계획) and I am going to do (결심, not 예정, not 계획)
종종 서로의 차이점은 적고 서로 바꾸어서 사용해도 무방함.
It’s going to rain. I think I’m going to be sick. things are going to get worse.
장소, 상황 등이 어떤 결과를 가져올거라 확신할 때. 현상은 예정, 계획되는 것이 아니므로.
I was going to do something = 하려고 했지만 하지 않았다.
We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car instead.
Will 은 의지 미래. 말하는 시점에서 결심. already 가 빠진 미리 계획되지 않은 것. 일반적으로 will 은 offering to do something (I will help you), Agreeing to do something (I’ll give it), Promising to do something (I’ll pay), Asking somebody to do something (Will you …?)
Will/won’t 는 미래의 상황, 일어나는 일을 예측할 때 사용된다. 이미 정해진건 will 안 씀.
Jill has been away a long time. When she returns, she’ll find a lot of changes here.
When will you get your exam results?
보통 probably, I expect, I’m sure, I think, I don’t think, I wonder 에서 will 이 사용됨.
hope 는 보통 현재형과 쓰이지만 will 과도 사용됨.
때로는 will 이 현재시제에도 사용됨. (Don’t phone Ann now. She’ll be busy.)
확실히 예정된 것은 be ~ing / 의지로 하려고 하는건 will 바로, 즉시 (의지) / 과거에 이미 하려고 생각했던건 be going to (과거와 연관, 증상 등… 암시)
미래를 예측하는 것에 있어서는 will 이나 be going to 나 둘 다 사용가능. be ing 의 경우 미래 예측이 아니라 결정된 확실한 상황을 말할 때 사용됨. 하지만 현재의 상황, 징조로 인한 미래 예측일 경우 be going to 만 가능. 이미 징조가 과거에 있었으므로 그것으로 인한 결과이므로 … 이미 과거에 하려고 생각했던 것과 비슷하다고 볼 수 있기 때문.
I think the weather will be nice this afternoon.
I think the weather is going to be nice this afternoon.
Look at those black clouds. (징조) It’s going to rain. (그로인한 예측) ( not It will rain )
I feel terrible. (징조) I think I’m going to be sick. (그로인한 예측) ( not I feel terrible now )
Shall 은 나의 의지. (Shall I …? , Shall we …? 제가 ~ 해도 될까요? 우리 ~ 할까요?) 무언가 정중히 제시, 제안할 때.
I shall … / we shall … 평서문에도 쓸 수 있으나 I 나 we에 쓴다. 일반적으로는 will을 사용.
I shall be late this evening. (I will be …) 보통은 will 을 사용.
shall 의 부정형은 shall not / shan’t
he, she, it, you, they 와는 shall 을 사용하지 않는다.
Shall I shut the door? (Do you want me to shut it?)
Will you shut the door? (I want you to shut it)
Will be doing , will have done
Will be doing (~ 하고 있을 것이다.)
Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We’ll be having dinner.
Let’s wait for Liz to arrive and then we’ll have dinner.
미래의 확실한 상황에 대해 말할 때도 will be ~ ing 를 사용. 좀 더 생생한 진행상황. 미래에 생생히 ~ 할 것이다. be going to 와 비슷하지만 좀 더 생생한 arrangement.
The government will be making a statement about the crisis later today.
Will you be going away this summer?
Later in the programme, I’ll be talking to the Minister of Education… 다음 프로그램에서 ~에 대해 말할 것입니다.
Will have done (미래 완료. 미래의 어느시점까지 완료.)
by – 수요일 전 언제든 끝나, until – 수요일에 끝나 (will, going to)
Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She won’t be at home at 9 o’clock. she’ll have gone to work. 미래의 어느시점에 일하러 가 있을거야.
We’re late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.
[Grammar in use summary – when, if, can, could, be able to, managed to,…]
when, if, can, could, be able to, managed to, could have done
시간, 조건 부사절에서는 현재가 미래를 대신한다. We do not use will in the when-part of the sentence.
We will go out when it stops raining.
while, before, after, as soon as, until, till 뒤에서도 위와 같음.
I’m going to read a lot while I’m on holiday.
시간, 조건 부사절에서 현재완료는 그 사건이 모두 끝났을 경우에 사용됨. 사건이 동시에 일어날 때는 현재완료를 사용하면 안된다.
When I’ve phone Kate, we can have dinner. (First I’ll phone Kate and after that we can have dinner.)
When I phone Kate, I’ll ask her about the party. (not When I’ve phoned)
when 과 if
I’m going shopping later. / When I go shopping, I’ll buy some food. (100% 간다)
I might go shopping later. If I go shopping, I’ll buy some food. (50% 간다)
when S ~, S ~ (90%)
If S ~, S ~ (50%)
If S ~ed, S would ~ (unlikely, 만약 내가 새라면)
If S had p.p, S would ~ (S would have p.p) (과거)
Can, could, be able to
가능, 허가의 의미. can 이나 be able to 모두 가능하지만 can 이 좀 더 보편적임. 앞에 오는 modal verb 때문에 be able to를 사용해야한 하는 경우도 있음. might be able to …
could 는 can 의 과거형이고 특별히 see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand 와는 could 를 사용함.
could 는 전반적인 능력이나 허가에서도 사용된다. My grandfather could speak five languages. We could do what we wanted.
could 와 was able to
could 는 일반적 능력을 말할 때 사용. 하지만 특별한 상황에서 누군가가 무언가를 했었다는 말을 하고자 할 때는 was/were able to 나 managed to 를 사용해야 함.
The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody was able to escape / managed to escape. (not could escape)
Mike was an excellent tennis player when he was younger. He could beat anybody. (누구든 이길 수 있었다.)
Mike and Pete played tennis yesterday. Pete played very well, but Mike managed to beat him.
부정문의 경우에는 모두 couldn’t 를 사용할 수 있음.
could do 와 could have done
could 는 can의 과거형. 하지만 현재나 미래의 가능한 동작에도 could 를 사용. 특히 제안할 때. can 도 가능 could 의 경우 can 에 비해 확신이 적음.
We could go to the cinema. you could stay with Julia.
비현실적인 상황에도 could 를 사용.
I could sleep for a week. 일주일 동안 잘 수도 있겠어.
could have done 은 과거를 이야기할 때 사용.
I’m so tired, I could sleep for a week. (now)
I was so tired, I could have slept for a week. (past)
You could have stayed with Julia.
현재 불가능할 거라고 말 할 때 couldn’t 를 사용. 과거일 경우 couldn’t have done
I couldn’t live in a big city. I’d hate it.
We had a really good holiday. It couldn’t have been better.
[Grammar in use summary – must, can’t, have to, needn’t]
must 확실히 ~ 인거 can’t 확실히 ~ 아닌거
you must be tired. you can’t be tired.
과거형으로는 must have done, can’t have done
There’s nobody at home. They must have gone out.
Sue hasn’t contacted me. She can’t have got my message.
Sue couldn’t have got my message. 도 가능.
may, might
may not, might not (mightn’t)
could 는 may 나 might 와 유사함.
하지만 couldn’t 는 may not 이나 might not 과 다름.
Sarah couldn’t have got my message. Otherwise she would have replied.
I wonder why Sarah hasn’t replied to my message. I suppose she might not have got it.
미래에 일어날 것에 대해서 may, might 을 사용.
I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holidays. I may go to Ireland.
will 은 좀 더 확실할 때, may 는 가능성.
실제가 아닐 때는 might 만 사용.
If I were in Tom’s position, I might look for another job.
진행형 I may be going to Ireland in July. (I may go to Ireland in July 와 조금 다른 의미)
We might (may) as well do something = We should do
What time are you going out?
Well, I’m ready. so I might as well go now.
Buses are so expensive these days, you may as well get a taxi.
have to, must
의무문, 다른 조동사 등과 같이 사용될 때 have to
의견을 전달시 must, 해야만 하는 일 견해가 아닐 때는 have to 만 사용.
I haven’t spoken to Sue for ages. I must phone her.
I have to w 하지만 must 는 규정이나 지시에 종종 사용된다.
Applications for the job must be received by 18 May.
과거에 대해 말할 때는 must 를 사용할 수 없다. had to…
mustn’t 와 don’t have to 는 확실히 다르다.
mustn’t 는 ~ 하지 않는게 낫겠어.
don’t have to 는 ~ 할 필요가 없다.
You must keep it a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.
You don’t have to tell him, but you can if you want to.
have to 대신 have got to 를 사용할 수 있다.
I’ve got to work tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow.
must, mustn’t, needn’t
must 는 할 필요가 있는것, mustn’t 는 하지 않는게 나은거, needn’t 는 할 필요가 없는거.
don’t need to 를 needn’t 대신 사용 가능. needn’t 에는 to 가 없음을 유의.
needn’t have done
Everything will be OK. You needn’t worry. (모두 괜찮을거야. 걱정할 필요가 없어.)
Everything was OK. You needn’t have worried. (모두 괜찮았어. 걱정할 필요가 없었는데.)
I didn’t need to = I didn’t have to
(딱 그당시 과거 시점에서 이야기. 그래서 그 당시에 할 필요가 없었고 그걸 그 당시에도 아는거고 그 때 끝나는 것.)
I didn’t need to get up early, so I didn’t.
I needn’t have done
(지금 시점에서 바라보았을 때 그 때 할 필요가 없었던 것. 그 당시에는 아는지 모르는지 잘 모름.)
I got up very early because I had to get ready to go away. But in fact it didn’t take me long to get ready.
So, I needn’t have got up so early. I could have stayed in bed longer.
patriotism (애국심), conscience (양심), intellect (지성), instinct (본능)
privilege (특권, 특권을 주다), impulse (충동) , virtue (미덕, 장점), vice (악덕, 결점)
stimulus (자극), vanity (허영심), famine (기근), calamity (재난, 불행), hypocrisy (위선)
chivalry (기사도), monotony (단조로움), disgrace (불명예, 치욕), anachronism (시대 착오)
conquest (정복), insight (통찰력), criticism (비평, 비판), hardship (고난), fortitude (인내, 용기)
compromise (타협(하다)), prosperity (번영), comfort (위안, 안락, 위로하다), superstition (미신)
sympathy (동정, 공감), perseverance (인내), disgust (혐오, 불쾌하게 하다), monopoly (독점)
moisture (습기), solitude (고독), hindrance (방패), medium (매개, 중간의), shortcoming (결점)
affection (애정), homage (경의), conceit (자부심), hostility (적의, 적개심), triumph (승리),
hatred (증오), struggle (분투 노력(하다)), contempt (경멸), convention (회의, 인습), scorn (경멸)
dignity (위엄), cowardice (겁, 비겁), eloquence (웅변), pastime (오락, 기분 전환), misery (비참)
modesty (겸손), elegy (애가, 비가(슬픈노래)), strain (긴장, 압박, 선율, 잡아당기다, 긴장시키다.)
bribe (뇌물, 뇌물을 주다), fame (명성), gratitude (감사)
[Grammar in use summary – should, had better, Its time, would, can, cou…]
should, had better, Its time, would, can, could, would you
should 는 일반적으로 조언할 때나 의견 제시할 때, ~ 하는게 좋겠다 와 같은 의미.
I think, I don’t think, Do you think 와 함께 자주 쓰인다.
shouldn’t do …
should 는 must 나 have to 만큼 강한 의미는 아니다.
예상하는 바와 같지 않을 때 should 를 사용.
I wonder where Tina is. She should be here by now.
That man on the motorbike should be wearing a helmet.
~ 로 인해, ~ 될 거라는 would 보다 좀 더 강한 예측.
She’s been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass.
There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn’t be difficult to find somewhere to stay.
You should have done ~ 했으면 좋았을텐데.
You shouldn’t have done ~ 하지 않았으면 좋았을텐데.
Ought to … should 와 거의 동일.
Do you think I ought to apply for this job?
Jack ought not to go to bed so late.
demand, insist, propose, recommend, suggest 와 같은 동사 뒤에 should 를 사용한다.
They insisted that we should have dinner with them.
It’s important/vital/necessary/essential that … should …
모든 문장에서 should 를 생략할 수 있다.
It’s essential that everyone be here on time.
strange, odd, funny, typical, natural, interesting, surprised, surprising 과 같은 형용사 다음에 should 를 사용할 수 있다.
It’s strange that he should be late. He’s usually on time.
If … should … 그냥 If 보다 가능성이 적을 때.
If Tom should phone while I’m out, tell him I’ll call him back later.
If Tom phones 와 유사하지만 가능성이 더 적을 때 should 를 붙임.
Should Tom phone, … 과 같이 줄일 수 있다.
I should wait = I would wait if I were you, I advise you to wait. 나라면 ~ 할텐데… 충고.
I’m going out now. Is it cold? Yes, I should wear a coat.
I shouldn’t stay up too late. You’ll be tired tomorrow.
Shall I leave now? No, I should wait a bit longer.
Had better
충고, I’d better go now or I’ll be late.
Yes, you’d better. It might rain. We’d better stop for petrol soon.
You’d better not go to work today.
I’d better phone Carol, hadn’t I?
had better 의 had 는 과거형이지만 의미는 현재, 미래이다.
had better 는 특별한 상황, 그 상황에서의 조언이고 sould 는 전반적으로 ~ 했으면 하는 조언이다.
had better 는 ~ 하지 않으면 문제가 생기거나 위험해질거다…
should 는 ~ 하면 좋을거다…
It’s time …
to 와 함께 쓰이면 ~할 시간이다.
It’s time for us to go home.
to 없이 쓰일 때는 과거형을 쓴다. 비판이나 불평할 때 사용.
It’s late. It’s time we went home. 의미는 현재임.
It’s time the children were in bed. It’s long after their bedtime.
비판을 강조할 때는 It’s about time …
Jack is a great talker. But it’s about time he did something instead of just talking.
실제하지 않는 걸 가정할 때
It would be nice to buy a new car, but we can’t afford it.
would have done 과거에 ~ 했을지…
They helped us a lot. I don’t know what we’d have done without their help.
I would phone Sue, I would have phoned Sue, 수에게 전화걸고 싶은데, 수에게 전화걸고 싶었는데…
~ 할지 안할지 불확실, I’d stay a bit longer, but I really have to go now.
때로는 그저 will 의 과거형으로 쓰일 때도 있다.
I’ll phone you on Sunday. Tom said he’d phone me on Sunday.
~ 하려하지않아. I tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
과거에 ~ 하곤 했다. (정기적으로)
Whenever Richard was angry, he would walk out of the room.
Whenever Richard was angry, he used to walk out of the room.
Can/Could/Would you …? (Request, offers, permission and invitations)
Can you wait a moment? Could you wait a moment?
Do you think you could … ? (not can)
Will you do me a favour? Would you please be quiet? 과 같이 will 과 would 도
사용할 수 있지만 can 이나 could 가 더 일반적이다. would 가 더 예의 바른거…
Can I have these postcards, please?
Could I have the salt, please?
May I have these postcards, please?
May > Would > Could > Can … 순서로 formal 함이 다름.
Do you mind if I .. or Is it all right … or Is it OK if I …
Can I get you a cup of coffee?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?
I’d like 은 원하는 걸 이야기할 때 공손한 방식.
I’d like some information about hotels, please.
strife (투쟁), defect (결점, 단점), sincerity (성실), piety (경건, 신앙심, 효성),
adolescence (청년기, 청춘기), phenomenon (현상), emphasis (강조), proportion (비례, 비율)
doctrine (학설, 주의), the doctrine of evolution (진화론), commodity (상품, 일용품),
prices of commodities (물가), distress (고통, 괴롭히다), discourse (이야기, 이야기하다),
fallacy (오류), fallacious (그릇된)
[Grammar in use summary - If I do and If I did, If I knew I wish I knew…]
If I do ... and If I did ...
If I knew ... I wish I knew
If I had known ... I wish I had known ...
[If I do ... and If I did ...]
If 의 현재형은 실제 그럴 가능성이 잇을 때 If I find ..., I'll,
If 속의 과거형은 상상, 가능성이 낮을 때 If I found ..., I'd (would) ....
I don't really want to go to their party, but I probably will go. They'd be upset if I didn't go.
그럴 일은 없지만 내가 안간다면 ...
if 안에 would 를 쓰지 않는다.
하지만 누군가에게 ~ 하길 요청할 때는 사용할 수 있다.
(from a formal letter) I would be grateful if you would let me know your decision as soon as possible.
if 의 다른 part 에는 would 를 사용한다. could 나 might 도 가능.
뱀한테 물리는, 내가 파티에 가지 않는 (이럴 상황이 생길거란 확신이 90% 이상 없다)
when 은 90% 확신 했을 때 상황. if 는 만약인 상황.
[If I knew ... I wish I knew]
if 과거는 현재에 상황을 상상, ~한다면 ... 과거형은 한 발 물러서는 것이므로 사실이 아닌 추측, 상황.
If I knew his number, I would phone him.
wish + 과거 : 현실이 아닌걸 되길 바라므로...
I wish I knew Paul's phone number. (I don't know it and I regret this)
Do you ever wish you could fly?
I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.
If I were / If I was...
if 부분이나 wish 뒤에 would 는 보통 사용하지 않는다.
If I were rich, I would have a yacht.
I wish I had something to read.
I wish you would listen. 때때로 누군가 ~ 하길 요청할 때는 사용 가능하다.
You could get a better job. (You would be able to get)
if you could use a computer. (you were able to use)
[If I had known ... I wish I had known ...]
~ 했었더라면 ...
wish 뒤에도 동일하게 사용된다. I wish something had happened = I am sorry that it didn't happen.
wish + 누가 + 무엇을
hope + action, happen
I wish you luck / every success / a happy birthday.
wish somebody something...
wish that something happens 는 안된다.
I hope you get this letter before you go away.
I wish you a pleasant stay here.
I hope you have a pleasant stay here.
하지 말았어야 할 일에 대한 후회. ~ 아닌 것에 대한 regret,
(지금) wish + 과거, 현재 ~ 했었으면...
(과거) 했던 일에 대한 후회. wish + had p.p.
I wish I knew what to do about the problem. 현재 몰라서 후회함.
I wish I'd known about the party. 과거에 알았더라면 ~ 했을텐데... 후회.
I wish I could ... = I regret that I cannot do it.
I wish I could stay longer. 좀 더 오래 머무를 수 있으면 좋을텐데...
I wish I could have gone. 갈 수 있었더라면 좋았을텐데... 하지만 못 갔었다. 과거
I wish ... would 어떤 상황에 대한 불평.
I wish somebody would answer it. 누군가 대답 좀 해주길 바래.
I wish ... wouldn't ... 사람들이 반복해서 하는 일에 대한 비판.
I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me.
I wish ... would ... 동작이나 변화에 사용. 상황의 변화에는 would 를 사용 안함.
I wish Sarah would come.
I wish somebody would buy me a car. (동작, 변화) I wish I had a car. (상황)
[Grammar in use summary - Passive1,2,3,Reported speech1,2,3,Have someth…]
Passive1 (is done / was done)
Passive2 (be done / been done / being done)
It is said that ... / He is said to ... / He is supposed to ...
Have something done
Reported speech1 (He said that ...)
Reported speech2
[Passive1 (is done / was done)]
수동태에서는 누가, 무엇이 하는지는 종종 모르거나 중요치 않다.
A lot of money was stolen in the robbery. (somebody stole it, but we don't know who)
만약 누가 또는 무엇이 하는지 표현할 때는 by ... 을 사용한다.
This house was built by my grandfather.
[Passive2 (be done / been done / being done)]
A mystery is something that can't be explained.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
The room looked nice. It had been cleaned.
The room is being cleaned at the moment.
4형식 Somebody gave the police the information. 의 경우
The police were given the information 과 같이 그냥 목적어가 뒤에 따라붙음.
ask / offer / pay / show / teach / tell 과 같은 동사들의 수동태는 주로 사람으로 시작하는 문장을 이룬다.
I was offered the job, but I refused it.
The men were paid $400 to do the work (= somebody paid the men $400)
I don't like being ...
I don't like people telling me what to do.
I don't like being told what to do.
I remember being taken to the zoo when I was a child. (= I remember somebody taking me to the zoo.)
누군가, 무언가가 ing 하는 것은 being p.p. 로 변환되면서 누군가, 무언가가 빠진다.
We managed to climb over the wall without being seen. (= without anybody seeing us.)
I was born ...
I was born in Chicago. Where were you born? 과거일
How many babies are born every day? 현재 사실
수동태에서는 be 동사 대신에 get 이 쓰이기도 한다.
There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. (= nobody was hurt.)
I don't often get invited to parties. (= I'm not often invited.)
무언가 일어나는 것에만 get을 사용할 수 있다. know 나 like 는 happen 이 아니라 상황, 상태이다.
Jill is liked by everybody. (not gets liked. 일어나는 것이 아님.)
He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known.)
get 은 주로 구어체(information spoken English) 에서 사용한다. be 는 모든 곳에 사용.
다음과 같은 상황에서도 get 을 사용한다. 수동의 의미는 아니다.
get married, get divorced.
get lost (not know where you are)
get dressed (put on your clothes)
get changed (chage your clothes)
get married 결혼한 상태로 바뀌는 것 / 상태의 변화, be married 결혼한 상태.
[It is said that ... / He is said to ... / He is supposed to ...]
It is said that he is 108 years old. He is said to be 108 years old. People say that he is 108 years old.
alleged / believed / considered / expected / known / reported / thought / understood
It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion. Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.
(Be supposed to)
It is supposed to ... / It is said to ... 말해진다.
It's supposed to be good. (= It is said to be good.)
Mark is supposed to have hit a policeman, but I don't believe it.
intended, arranged, expected 의 의미로도 사용된다.
The plan is supposed to be a secret. 그 계획은 비밀로 하기로 되어 있었는데.
What are you doing at work? You;re supposed to be on holiday. 넌 휴가 중인 걸로 아는데.
Our guests were supposed to come at 7.30. 고객은 7.30에 오기로 되어 있엇는데.
You're not supposed to do something. 허가나 충고의 의미로도 사용된다.
You're not supposed to park your car here.
[Have something done] 사역동사
Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday. (Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn't repair it herself.)
Did you have those curtains made? No, I made them myself.
Where did you have your hair cut?
Your hair looks nice. Have you had it cut?
How often do you have your car serviced?
Get something done
get 을 have 대신 사용할 수 있다. 회화체에서...
When are you going to get the roof repaired?
I think you should get your hair cut really short.
시키는 의미 말고도 무언가에 뭐가 일어날 때도 사용한다.
Paul and Karen had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.
누군가나 그들의 소지품에 무슨 일이 일어났을 때.. 보통 나쁜일.
Have you ever had your passport stolen? Gary had his nose broken in a fight.
[Reported speech1 (He said that ...)]
Paul said, 'I'm feeling ill.'
Paul said that he was feeling ill.
Reported speech 에서는 원문의 현재가 과거형으로 ...
I told Lisa that I didn't have any money.
주어가 말하는 주체로 ...
과거는 과거형 그대로 또는 had p.p.로
Paul said : 'I woke up feeling ill, so I didn't go to work.'
Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn't go to work.
Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn't gone to work.
[Reported speech2]
상황이 과거랑 변하지 않았다면 현재형 그대로 써도 괜찮다.
Paul said, 'My new job is very interesting.'
Paul said that his new job is very interesting.
과거형도 사용할 수 있다. 끝난 상황이라면 과거형을 써야한다.
Paul said that his new job was very interesting.
Paul left the room suddenly. He said he had to go.
말했던 것과 상황이 다를 때도 과거형.
She said: 'Joe is in hospital.'
I didin't expect to see you, Joe. Sonia said you were in hospital.
tell somebody ... say that ...
요청, 주문하는 상황의 reported speech 에서는 tell, ask 와 함께 to 부정사 형태로도 사용한다.
'Stay in bed for a few days.' the doctor said to me.
The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
said 의 경우도 to 부정사와 함께 쓰이는 경우가 있다.
Jackie said not to tell anyone.
[Grammar in use summary - Questions1, Questions2, Auxiliary verbs, Ques…]
Questions2 (Do you know where ..., He asked me where ...),
Auxiliary verbs (have, do, can, ...), I think so / I hope so
Question tags (do you? isn't it? ...)
Wh + 조동사 + 주어 ... (전치사) : Why did the train stop? / 부사격
Wh + 명사 +조동사 + 주어 : What time does the film begin? / 형용사, 부사격
Wh + 일반동사 + ... : What happened to you last night? / 주격
Wh + 명사 + 일반동사 + ... : Which bus goes to the centre? / 형용사
Wh 의문문에서의 전치사 위치
Who do you want to speak to?
Which job has Ann applied for?
What was the weather like yesterday?
문어체(formal style)에서는 전치사 + whom 으로도 사용할 수 있다.
To whom do you wish to speak?
Didn't you hear the doorbell? 좀 놀랄때.
Haven't we met somewhere before? 무언가 기대 예측하면서 질문할 때.
Why don't we go out for a meal tonight?
Why wasn't Mary at work yesterday?
Do you know where Tom has gone? 간접의문문.
What time does the film begin? Do you know what time the film begins?
Wh 가 아닌 일반 의문문의 경우 if 나 whether 를 사용한다.
Did anybody see you? Do you know if anybody saw you?
Do you know where anybody saw you?
Reported questions
The police officer said to us, 'Where are you going?'
The police officer asked us where we were going?
Clare said, 'What time do the banks close?'
Clare wanted to know what time the banks closed.
reported speech 에서는 동사가 보통 과거형으로 바뀌는데 이것 또한 동일하다.
She asked if (or whether) I was willing to travel.
She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
She asked how long I had been working in my parent job.
She asked why I had applied for the job.
[Auxiliary verbs (have, do, can, ...), I think so / I hope so]
The hotel was built ten years ago. 에서 was 도 조동사임.
Have you locked the door? Yes, I have. (대답)
George wasn't working, but Janet was. (반복을 피하기 위해 조동사로 뒤 문장 축약 가능.)
Do you like onions? Yes, I do. (시제를 나타내며 축약.)
You're sitting in my place. No, I'm not. (간단히 했어 안했어라고 말할 때.)
have you? / isn't she? / do they? 상대방의 말에 관심을 나타내거나 놀람을 나타낼 때.
I've just seen Simon. Oh, have you? How is he?
so 조동사 주어 : 나도 그래
neither 조동사 주어 : 나도 안그래, neither 대신 nor, not ... either 도 사용.
I passed the exam and so did Paul.
I don't know. Neither do I. Nor do I. I don't either.
I think so. / I hope so. 반복을 피하기 위한 so.
Are those people English? I think so.
Will you be at home this evening? I expect so.
Do you think Kate has been invited to the party? I suppose so.
I hope so, I guess so, I'm afraid so.
I don't think so. I don't expect so.
I hope not. I'm afraid not. I guess not.
I don't suppose so. I suppose not.
Do you think it will rain? I hope not.
[Question tags (do you? isn't it? ...)] 부가의문문
부가의문문은 조동사로 만든다.
긍정이면 부정, 부정이면 긍정으로 만든다.
It's a nice day, isn't it? Yes, beautiful. 이미 좋은 날이라 생각하고 다른 이도 그럴거라 생각하고 동의할 거란 생각에 말하는 거.
끝을 내리면서 말하면, 이미 알고 대충 확신하고 말하는거. 끝을 올리면 정말 몰라서 묻는거?
You haven't seen Lisa today, have you? No, I'm afraid I haven't.
Have you by chance seen Lisa today?
Let's 다음의 부가의문문은 shall 을 사용한다.
Let's go for a walk, shall we? (the voice goes up. 끝을 올린다.)
don't 가 맨 앞이면 명령문. 따라서 의지 will
Don't be late, will you? (the voice goes down. 끝을 내린다.)
특이형태 aren't
I'm right, aren't I? Yes you are.
[Grammar in use summary - verb -ing, verb to]
verb -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing)
verb to (decide to / forget to)
verb (+ object) to (I want you to)
verb -ing or to (remember / regret)
ver ing or to (try, need / help)
verb ing or to (like / would like)
***[verb -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing)]
ing 를 쓰는 동사들 : stop, postpone, admin, avoid, imagine, finish, consider, deny, risk, fancy, enjoy, mind, suggest
ing 에서 부정문 형태 : I enjoy not having to get up early.
ing 를 사용하는 추가적인 구동사들
give up (stop), put off (postpone), go on / carry on (continue), keep / keep on (do something continuously or repeatedly)
I've given up reading newspapers. I think it's a waste of time.
verb + something + ing
I can't George riding a motorbike.
You can't stop me doing what I want. (stop me from doing 도 됨.)
ing 에서 수동태 : being done/ seen / kept
I don't mind being kept waiting.
끝난 동작에 대해 having done.
They admitted having stolen the money.
꼭 having done 형태일 필요는 없다. 그냥 ing 형태도 됨.
They admitted stealing the money.
that 절의 형태로도 쓸 수 있다. ing 는 구임.
They denied that they had stolen the money. Sam suggested that we went to the cinema.
***[verb to (decide to / forget to)]
to 를 쓰는 동사들 : offer, decide, hope, deserve, promise, agree, plan, manage, afford, threaten, refuse, arrange, fail, forget, learn
또한 seem, appear, tend, pretend, claim 도 to 를 사용.
to 의 진행형, 완료형
I pretended to be reading the newspaper. (I pretended that I was reading.)
You seem to have lost weight. (it seems that you have lost weight.)
Martin seems to be enjoying his new job. (it seems that he is enjoying it.)
dare 의 경우 dare to 도 그냥 dare 도 가능. dare not 의 경우 to 는 반드시 사용하지 않는다.
I daren't tell him what happened. (not I daren't to tell him.)
결심, 요청, 기억, 이해 ... wh + to 의 형태.
ask, decide, know, remember, forget, explain, learn, understand, wonder
We asked how to get to the station.
Have you decided where to go for your holidays?
보여주고, 말하고, 충고, 요청, 가르치는 ... ~ 에게 - 하는 의미. somebody + wh + do
show, tell, ask, advise, teach somebody what/how/where to do something.
Can somebody show me how to change the film in this cinema?
Ask Jack. He'll tell you what to do.
***[verb (+ object) to (I want you to)]
verb + object + to ...
want, ask, help, would like, expect, beg, mean(=intend), would prefer
We expected to be late. We expected Dan to be late.
want that 같은 형태는 못쓴다.
Do you want me to come with you? (not Do you want that I come.)
help 는 to 를 붙여도 되고 안 붙여도 된다.
Can you help me to move this table? Can you help me move this table?
tell, remind, force, encourage, teach, enable, order, warn, invite, persuade, get(=persuade, arrange for) 의 경우 verb + object + to 의 형태를 가짐.
Can you remind me to phone Sam tomorrow?
Who taught you to drive?
I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.
수동태 형식. I was warned not to touch the switch.
suggest 는 verb + object + to 형태로 못쓴다. Jane suggested that I should ask your advice. (not Jane suggested me to ask.)
advise, recommend, allow 의 경우 ing, verb + object + to 모두 가능.
I wouldn't advise/recommend staying in that hotel.
I wouldn't advise/recommend anybody to stay in that hotel.
(be) allowed 수동태 형태. Parking isn't allowed in front of the building. You aren't allowed to park in front of the building.
Make 와 let 은 to 안쓴다. verb + object + infinitive (to 없는)형태를 사용.
I made him promise that he wouldn't tell anybody what happened.
Hot weather makes me feel tired.
Let me carry your bag for you.
하지만 make 는 수동태 형식일 때 ... passive to ~
We were made to wait for two hours. (They made use wait ...)
***[verb -ing or to (remember / regret)]
ing 또는 to 사용하는 동사들 복습.
ing : admit, fancy, postpone, avoid, finish, risk, consider, imagine, stop, deny, keep(on), suggest, enjoy, mind
to : afford, fail, offer, agree, forget, plan, arrange, hope, promise, decide, learn, refuse, deserve, manage, threaten
ing 와 to 모두 가능하지만 의미가 다른 동사들. remember, regret, go on
remember의 경우 ~ 한 것을 기억, ~ 할 것을 기억.
I remember doing something. (무언가를 했고 지금 그게 기억남.) I remembered to do something. (내가 해야만 하는 것을 기억했고, 그걸 했다.)
regret 도 ~ 한 걸 후회..., ~ 할 것에 대한 유감.
I regret doing something. (I did it and now I'm sorry about it.)
I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you. (from a formal letter, We regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job.)
go on ~ing (~ 해오던 걸 계속 하는거), go on to ~ (~ 할 (새로운 것)을 계속하는거)
The president paused for a moment and then went on talking.
After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy.
***[verb ing or to (try, need / help)]
begin, start, continue, intend, bother 동사들은 의미도 동일하면서 ing 와 to 형태 모두 가능.
It has started raining. It has started to buy...
John intends buying a house. John intends to buy ...
Don't bother locking the door. Don't bother to lock ...
하지만 이미 ing 형인 진행형 형태에서는 to를 사용.
It's starting to rain. (not It's starting raining.)
Try to do = attempt to do, make an effort to do
I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open.
Try + 명사 또는 Try ing = do something as an experiment or test. 시험삼아 해보는 것.
These cakes are delicious. You should try one.
Try pressing the green button.
비교해보자. I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy.
I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room.
Need to ... and need -ing
능동. 무언가 할 필요가 있다. need to
I need to take more exercise.
수동. 어떻게 될 필요가 있다. need ing
The batteries in the radio need changing.
It's difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully.
help 는 to 써도 되고 원형을 써도 된다.
Everybody helped to clean up after the party. Everybody helped clean up...
Can you help me to move this table? Can you help me move ...
I can't help doing something. = I can't stop myself doing it.
I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I can't help it. (I can't help being nervous.)
***[verb ing or to (like / would like)]
Like / love / hate
계속되는 일 언제나 반복. 이럴 때는 like, love, hate에서 to 나 ing 둘 다 사용가능. 같은 의미.
Do you like getting up early? Do you like to get up early?
하지만 이미 과거부터 그러고 있거나 그런 상태일 때는 ing.
Do you like being a student? 학생인게 좋으냐?
~ 하는 걸 좋아하고 즐긴다. (과정 현상 자체도) I like -ing.
I like doing something. (= I do it and I enjoy it.)
I like cleaning the kitchen. (= I enjoy it.)
ing 는 action 표현. 그러니 동작 자체도 좋아하고 ...
~ 하는게 좋다. 사실에 대한 즐기는지 아닌지는 모름. 하는게 좋을 수도 아닐 수도 있다. 단지 하면 좋은일 같음. I like to -.
It's not my favourite job, but I like to clean the kitchen as often as possible.
enjoy 와 mind 는 항상 ing 를 사용한다.
Would like / would love / would hate / would prefer 는 항상 to 사용.
I like playing tennis. / I like to play tennis. (= I like it general.) 하는게 좋은거.
I'd like to play tennis today. (= I want to play today.) 하길 원하는거.
Would mind 는 항상 ing
Would you mind closing the door, please?
I would like to have done something.
하지 않았거나 할 수 없었던 것에 대한 지금의 후회.
It's a pity we didn't see Val when we were in London. I would like to have seen her again. 그녀를 다시 보았엇으면 하는 걸 지금와서 원하는거.
would love / would hate / would prefer 도 동일.
[Grammar in use summary - prefer, would rather, preposition, be get use…]
[prefer and would rather]
[preposition (in / for / about etc) + ing]
[be/get used to something]
[verb + preposition -ing (succeed in -ing / accuse somebody of -ing etc.)]
[expression -ing]
[prefer and would rather]
I prefer something to something else.
I prefer doing something to doing something else.
I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else.
would prefer (I'd prefer) 일반적인 기호가 아닌 특별한 상황에 대해
Would you prefer tea or coffee? Coffee please. 현재 차나 커피 중 뭘 선호하세요? 즉, 지금 뭐 드실래요? 전반적으로 선호하는게 아니라 특별한 상황에 대해.
would prefer to do something. (prefer 는 to 만 사용. not ing)
Shall we go by train? I'd prefer to drive.
I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
Would rather (I'd rather ...)
would rather (do) = would prefer (to do). would rather + infinitive without to.
Shall we go by train? I'd prefer to drive. I'd rather drive.
Would you rather have tea or coffee?
I'd rather not go out this evening, if yo don't mind.
I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema. than 과 함께 ~ 보다.
I'd rather you did something. I'd rather 주어 + 과거동사. 절형태일 때.
Shall I stay here? I'd rather you came with us.
I'll repair your bike tomorrow, OK? I'd rather you did it today.
I'd rather make dinner now.
I'd rather you made dinner now.
I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.
[preposition (in / for / about etc) + ing]
by -ing 는 어떻게 무언가가 일어난다는 걸 말할 때.
The burglars got into the house by breaking a window and climbing in.
You can improve your English by reading more.
to -ing.
We decided to go out. 부정사
We drove from London to Edinburgh. I prefer tea to coffee. Are you looking forward to the weekend? I prefer driving to travelling by train.
[be/get used to something]
She wasn't used to it. 익숙하다.
She wasn't used to driving on the left. 익숙하다.
She got used to driving on the left. 익숙해졌다.
She is used to driving on the left. 익숙하다.
used to do something. ~ 하곤 했었다. ~ 하곤 했다.
be / get used to -ing. 익숙하다. 익숙해지다. 여기서 to 는 전치사 따라서 ing 가 따라옴.
[verb + preposition -ing (succeed in -ing / accuse somebody of -ing etc.)]
We talked about the problem.
You must apologise for what you said.
We talked about going to America.
You must apologise for not telling the truth.
Have you succeeded in finding a job yet?
They insisted on paying for the meal.
I'm thinking of buying a house.
I wouldn't dream of asking them for money.
He doesn't approve of swearing.
We have decided against moving to London.
Do you feel like going out tonight?
I'm looking forward to meeting her.
I don't approve of people killing animals for fun.
We are all looking forward to Peter coming here.
I congratulated Liz on getting a new job.
They accused us of telling lies.
Nobody suspected the general of being a spy.
What prevented you from coming to see us?
The rain didn't stop us from enjoing our holiday.
I forgot to thank them for helping me.
Excuse me for being so late.
Please forgive me for not writing to you.
stop somebody doing or stop somebody from doing 둘 다 됨. from 생략 가능.
accuse, suspect 는 수동태와 자주 사용.
We were accused fo telling lies.
The general was suspected of being a spy.
apologise to somebody for ...
I apologised to them for keeping them waiting.
[expression -ing]
It's no use / It's no good (It's no use worring about it. It's no good trying to persuade me.)
There's no point in (There's no point in having a car if you never use it. 이유, 의미가 없다.)
What's the point of having a car if you never use it?
It's worth -ing.
It's not worth taking a taxi.
What was film like? Was it worth seeing?
Have difficulty -ing, have trouble -ing
I had no difficulty finding a place to live.
Did you have any difficulty getting a visa?
a waste of money, a waste of time.
It was waste of time reading that book.
It's a waste of money buying things you don't need.
spend / waste (time)
He spent hours trying to repair the clock.
I waste a lot of time day-dreaming.
(be) busy
She was too busy doing other things.
Go swimming / go fishing etc.
많은 경우 (활동) 에 go -ing 를 사용한다. 특히 스포츠일 경우.
go swimming, go sailing, go fishing, go climbing, go skiing, go jogging
go shopping, go sightseeing.
[Grammar in use summary - to, for, so that, adjective to, afraid to, in…]
[to ..., for ... and so that ... (purpose)]
[Adjective + to]
[To ... (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)]
[See somebody do and see somebody doing]
[-ing clauses (feeling tired, I went to bed early.)]
[to ..., for ... and so that ... (purpose)]
~ 하기 위해서(동작의 목적, 이유) / (무언가)의 목적. 존재의 이유.
We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.
This wall is to keep people out of the garden.
~할 수 있는 (can be done, must be done)
It's difficult to find a place to park in the centre.
Have you got much work to do?
for + noun vs to + verb
I'm going to Spain for a holiday. I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.
What would you like for dinner? What would you like to eat?
for somebody to do
일반적 목적으로 ~을 위해의 의미일 경우 for -ing, to ... 둘 다 씀.
Do you use this bush for washing the dishes? (or to wash the dishes?)
so that ...
목적이 부정형일 때 so that 을 씀. (to 가 아니라...)
can 이나 could 와 같이 사용되어 ~ 하기 위한, ~ 할 수 있는의 뜻이 있는 경우 so that 을 씀.
I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.
Leave early so that you won't miss the bus.
She's learning English so that she can study in Canada.
We moved to London so that we could see our friends more often.
[Adjective + to]
It is Adj to ...
... Adj to ...
It is difficult to understand him.
He is difficult to understand.
easy, hard, impossible, dangerous, safe, expensive, cheap, nice, good, intersting, exciting 들도 비슷한 구조로 사용가능.
adjective + noun
This is a difficult question (for me) to answer.
It's nice of you to ...
It was nice of you to take me to the airport.
kind, clever, sensible, mean, silly, stupid, careless, unfair, considerate 들도 비슷한 구조로 사용가능.
I'm sorry to ... / I was surprised to ...
누가 어떻게 무언가에 대해 반응 하는가를 말할 때
I'm sorry to hear that your father is ill.
happy, glad, pleased, sad, disappointed, surprised, amazed, astonished, relieved 들도 비슷한 구조로 사용가능.
Was Julia surprised to see you?
The first / the next (etc.)+ to ...
the first, the last, the next, the only, the second (etc.) 다음에 to 를 사용할 수 있다.
If I have any more news, you will be the first (person) to know.
The next train to arrive at platform 4 will be the 10.50 to Cardiff.
sure/certain/likely/bound to(꼭 ~ 하게 되어 있는) happen
Carla is a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam.
I'm likely to be late home this evening. 아마 이번 저녁에 집에 늦을 거다.
[To ... (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)]
의도적으로 하는 무언가를 위해 afraid to 를 씀. 그것을 하든, 안하든 선택할 수 있다. 반드시 안한다는 건 아님.
(나빠지거나 위험할 수 있어서) 그거 하기 싫다. 그 사람이 직접 의도를 가지고 하려는 행동.
This part of town is dangerous. People are afraid to walk here at night.
James was afraid to tell his parents what had happened.
의도적으로 하려는 일에는 afraid of 를 쓰지 않는다. (it is possible that something bad will happen, an accident) 의도가 없음. 그냥 상황, 사고.
The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling.
I don't like dogs. I'm always afraid of being bitten.
So, you are afraid to do something because you are afraid of something happening as a result.
I was afraid to go (하려는 행동) near the dog because I was afraid of being (그 결과로 인한 현상) bitten.
Interested in (do)ing and interested to (do)
주체가 ~하는 것에 관심있다. interested in -ing
Let me know if you're interested in joining the club.
I tried to sell my car, but nobody was interested in buying it.
hear, see, learn, know, find 에 대한 반은은 to 를 사용.
I was interested to hear that Tanya has left her job.
I would be interested to know what he thinks.
surprised to / glad to 와 같은 구조.
I was surprised to hear that Tanya has left her job.
정리하면 그냥 near, see, learn, know, find 하는 것은 to 를 사용.
Sorry to (do) and sorry for/about (do)ing
일어나는 일, 일어났던 일에 대한 유감은 to를 사용.
I was sorry to hear that Nicky lost her job.
현재 그 순간 일어난 일에 대한 사과에 to 를 사용.
I'm sorry to phone you so late, but I need to ask you something.
당신이 과거에 했던 일에 대한 사과는 for, about 을 사용.
I'm sorry for (or about) shouting at you yesterday.
또한 I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday. 와 같이 절로도 사용.
I want to (do) / I'd like to (do) -but- I'm thinking of (do)ing / I dream of (do)ing
I failed to (do) -but- I succeeded in (do)ing
I allowed them to (do) -but- I prevented them from (do)ing, I stopped them from (do)ing
[See somebody do and see somebody doing]
~ 한 것을 보다. 듣다. ~ 한 것의 동사는 과거가 아닌 부정사(원형) 형태
I saw Tom get into his car and drive away.
Somebody did something + I saw this = I saw somebody do something.
하지만 수동태에서는 to 를 사용한다.
He was seen to get in the car.
진행형일 경우 ing
I saw Kate waiting for a bus.
Somebody was doing something + I saw this = I saw somebody doing this.
위의 경우의 차이점을 비교해보면
I saw him do something = 단순 과거.
I saw him doing something = 과거 진행.
때론 둘 다 상관없다. 진행도 아니고 끝난 동작도 아니다.
I've never seen her dance. or I've never seen her dancing.
위와 같은 형태는 see, hear, feel, notice, listen, smell, found 등과 같은 동사와 사용됨.
The missing children were last seen playing near the river. 수동태에서도 진행형은 그대로 진행형. 원형에서나 수동태는 to 로...
[-ing clauses (feeling tired, I went to bed early.)]
부대상황 ing
Joe hurt his knee playing football.
ing 절이 문장 앞에 나오면 , 를 사용.
Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
~ 하는 동시에
Kate is in the kitchen making coffee.
A man ran out of the house shouting.
~ 하는 동안에 (ing for longer action)
Joe hurt his knee playing football. (= while he was playing.)
while 이나 when 을 사용하여 명확하게 할 수도 있다.
~하고나서 (having (done) 사용)
Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
Having finished her work, she went home.
= After finishing her work, she went home.
짧은 동작일 때는 having done 대신 ing 형태로도 사용할 수 있다.
Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
무언가 설명하거나 왜 누군가가 무언가를 했는지를 말할 때 ing 절을 사용.
Feeling tired, I went to bed early. (Because I felt tired)
Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money. (Because he is unemployed)
Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around.
Having already seen the film twice, I didn't want to go the cinema. (Because I had already seen it twice)
이 구조는 구어체보다는 문어체(written English)에 더 잘 쓰인다.
[Grammar in use summary - countable, uncountable, some]
[Countable and uncountable 1]
[Countable and uncountable 2]
[Countable nouns with a/an and some]
[Countable and uncountable 1]
가산: a song, a beach, a ten-pound note, an accident, no batteries, enough cups
불가산: (some) music, sand, money, luck, electricity, water
측량단위에 담긴 불가산 명사는 a 가 붙을 수 있다. a bowl / a packet / a grain of rice
the, my, some 없이도 불가산 명사는 혼자 사용될 수 있다. rice, blood, music
가산명사는 복수형태로 some, any 와 사용된다. many, few, enough 도 복수형태와 함께 사용된다.
We sang some songs. Did you buy any apples? We didn't take many photographs. I have a few things to do.
불가산명사도 some, any 와 사용된다. much, little 도 불가산 명사와 사용된다.
We listened to some music. Did you buy any apple juice? We didn't do much shopping. I have a little work to do.
[Countable and uncountable 2]
가산, 불가산 두가지 모두로 사용되는 명사도 많다. 일반적으로 둘의 의미는 다르다.
Did you hear a noise just now? I can't work here. There's too much noise.
I bought a paper to read. I need some paper to write on.
There's a hair in my soup! You've got very long hair.
You can stay with us. There is a spare room. you can't sit here. There isn't room.
I had some interesting experiences while I was travelling. They offered me the job because I had a lot of experience.
Enjoy your trip. Have a good time! I can't wait. I haven't got time.
Coffee/tea/juice/beer 는 일반적으로 불가산. I don't like coffee very much.
Two coffees and an orange juice, please. (two cups of coffee, a cup of juice 의 줄임말)
accommodation, behaviour, damage, luck, permission, traffic, advice, bread, furniture, luggage, progress, weather, baggage, chaos, information news, scenery, work
이 명사들은 불가산. a/an 과 사용될 수 없다. a loaf of bread. not a bread...
복수형태도 아니다. not informations. not furnitures.
news 는 불가산이지 복수가 아니다. The news was very depressing.
travel 여행의 총칭. 한 장소에서 다른 장소로의 이동에 초점.
trip 출발점으로 돌아오는 여행
journey 보통 육로
tour 예정된 여로 곳을 돌아다니는 목적
voyage 해상 여행
travel 은 불가산, trip, journey 는 가산.
가산/불가산 유의어
a job / work
a view / scenery
It's a nice day today / It's nice weather today.
a lot of bags, cases / a lot of baggage, luggage
chairs / furniture
a suggestion / advice
[Countable nouns with a/an and some]
a dog, dogs, a chlid, some children, the evening, the evenings, this party, these parties, an umbrella, two umbrellas
That's a nice table. Those are nice chairs.
외모(신체)의 부분을 이야기 할 때, a long nose / a nice face / blue eyes / small hands ...
Jack has got a long nose. (not the long nose)
Jack has got blue eyes.
직업 이야기 할 때 a / an 을 사용. Sandra is a nurse. Would you like to be an English teacher?
Some = a number of / a few of / a pair of
I've seen some good films recently.
일반적인걸 이야기할 때는 some 을 사용하지 않는다. I love bananas.
some 을 사용해도 안해도 되는 경우 There are (some) eggs in the fridge if you're hungry.
일부의 의미 some. Some children learn very quickly.
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